Friday, September 17, 2010

Demo at HCAA (Houston Civic Art Association) 09/17/2010

Today I am not showing a "Daily" dog but instead the "Demo" dog.

I was asked to demo a painting using acrylics and I chose this little character to be my model.

In preparation for today I started the painting at my studio then worked more on it there, talked w- a -y too much, and promised I would finish it and then post the journey on here.

In my talks I try to squeeze in info about the materials, techniques and even some actual painting occurs.

Acrylic paints are a fun and exciting medium.  Although frustrating at times, they can be used in so many ways. I tell my students I always like to bring my "toy" box of materials so we can explore all the paints and mediums plus a few other things thrown in.

The first photo shows I have painted the canvas red, then sketched my subject on there in charcoal.

Next I am quickly blocking in some color sticking with a pre- determined color scheme of violet, green and orange. (long story, had to be there!)

A tease of an explanation of my process for this painting is that I want it to be colorful and a loose portrayal of the subject.(His story will be told in another post!)
Ok, I am not showing what I did at the meeting, only the next step done at my studio.  Tomorrow's  post will include that plus the finished painting.

WHOAH!!!! I know it's scary, and I took a deep breath too. I hate to leave you in suspense but like any good "daytime show", it is friday and well.....stay tuned for the next episode!

A big thank you to HCAA for having me!

Thanks for visiting and please consider following my blog, comments are always welcome too! See you tomorrow...

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